Medical Imaging

Pattern Recognition and Signal Analysis in Medical Imaging

Verfügbar als Hardcover, Paperback und eBook Description Medical imaging is one of the heaviest funded biomedical engineering research areas. The second edition of Pattern Recognition and Signal Analysis in Medical Imaging brings sharp focus to the development of integrated systems for use in the clinical sector, enabling both imaging and the automatic assessment of the resultant data. Since the first edition, there has been tremendous development of new, powerful technologies for detecting, storing, transmitting, analyzing, and displaying medical images.

Effect of Aging on Lung Structure In Vivo: Assessment With Densitometric and Fractal Analysis of High-resolution Computed Tomography Data.

PURPOSE:: To test the hypothesis that there is a difference between the lung computed tomography (CT) microstructure of asymptomatic older individuals and that of young individuals as evaluated by objective indices of complexity and density. …

Image analysis and statistical inference in neuroimaging with R

R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It can be considered an alternative implementation of the S language developed in the 1970s and 1980s for data analysis and graphics (Becker and Chambers, 1984; Becker et al., …

Working with the DICOM and NIfTI Data Standards in R

Two packages, oro.dicom and oro.nifti, are provided for the interaction with and manipulation of medical imaging data that conform to the DICOM standard or ANALYZE/ NIfTI formats. DICOM data, from a single file or directory tree, may be uploaded into …

Spatio-Temporal Modelling of First-Pass Perfusion Cardiovascular MRI

Myocardial perfusion MRI provides valuable insight into how coronary artery and microvascular diseases affect myocardial tissue. Stenosis in a coronary vessel leads to reduced maximum blood flow (MBF), but collaterals may secure the blood supply of …